Clotilde | Restaurant with Roman cuisine since 1996


Clemente Quaglia Executive Chef - Ristorante Clotilde Roma

Environment & Personality

For over 30 years in the catering sector with our tradition in an innovative environment. A turn-of-the-century lounge with contemporary accents welcomes you in the heart of the most beautiful city in the world, Rome.

The small square, Piazza Cardelli, is entirely dedicated to our guests who will be able to savor Roman cuisine in an enveloping atmosphere even by candlelight on enveloping Roman evenings.

Ristorante Clotilde Rome is like a woman from another era, an elegant and refined hostess, but at the same time modern.

From the evening aperitif until late at night, the Clotilde Restaurant is also a Spirits & Cocktails Bar.

Ristorante Clotilde Roma has been reported by: Forbes, Gambero Rosso, Fondazione Italiana Cuochi and by la Repubblica Le Guide ai Sapori ai Piaceri.


Tradition & Innovation

The tradition of Roman cuisine has very distant origins and today meets contemporary taste and new cooking techniques to make you discover traditional dishes corrected according to contemporary taste.

The traditional recipes of Roman and Ciociaria cuisine are enhanced by the quality of the raw materials that our territory offers in every season, products coming from the native countryside of the patron Clemente Quaglia.

Wide range of traditional dishes in which a great deal of use of raw materials from the Lazio region is made.

Specialità della cucina ciociara al Ristorante Clotilde - Roma Piazza Cardelli

The exaltation of taste

We are very scrupulous in choosing seasonal vegetables from our Roman countryside, the best local fish and meats raised in the Roman countryside.

The exaltation of the taste of our products will guide you through a journey of aromas and flavors of our territory from appetizers to desserts”

. Fettuccine
. Maccheroncini acqua e farina
. Tonnarelli all’uovo
. Gnocchi rossi (potatoes and red turnip)
. Fini fini (traditional Ciociaria egg tagliolini)

Produced and packaged in a protective atmosphere by the master baker Corrado di Marco, leavening time 72 hours.
Grande Impero bread (75 seeds or white bread)
Gluten free bread

Our Pinsa is produced with 72-hour leavened dough made up of three different flours:
. corn flour
. Soy flour
. Wheat extract flour

The fish intended to be consumed raw has been subjected to preventive reclamation treatment (-20°C for 24 hours) in compliance with the requirements of EC Reg. 853/2004 and the Ministerial Ordinance of 05/12/1992 to prevent the Anisakis risk .

Clemente Quaglia, executive of the restaurant, has also been a Somelier since 2002 and personally takes care of the wine list.

Ristorante Clotilde cucina romana dal 1996 - Roma Piazza Cardelli